Future Masters of Cinema(未来の巨匠たち)

・『Friend of the Night』(濱口竜介監督)


『Friend of the Night』のなかで語られる「怖い話」でもあきらかなように、濱口竜介は演出もさることながら脚本が巧みで、その巧みさは、大学時代の8ミリ映画『何食わぬ顔』にもしっかりとあらわれていた。最新作『永遠に君を愛す』がいささか物足りなかったのは、濱口脚本ではないというのが大きいように思う。


Future Masters of Cinema(未来の巨匠たち)



Your Book Is Going to Change the World(君の本はきっと世界を変える)

・『ジュリー&ジュリア』(Julie & Julia, 2008)

前作『奥様は魔女』(Bewitched, 2005) で完全に道に迷った感があったノラ・エフロンの新作だけに出来が心配だったのだけれど、これは、傑作と言うほどではないものの、間違いなく良作。この主の大人のコメディ(しかも、『ニューヨーク・タイムズ』紙の映画評でも指摘があるように、「恋愛ぬき」の)が、ごく限られた場所でしか公開されないのはもったいない。

この映画ではじめてしったが、ジュリア・チャイルド (Julia Child) という料理家は、日本で言うと土井勝くらいに(?!)メジャーな人だったようだ。

  In an understated but nonetheless climactic scene in Nora Ephron’s “Julie & Julia,” Julia Child (Meryl Streep) and her editor, Judith Jones (Erin Dilly), struggle to come up with a title for the culinary doorstopper Julia has spent the past eight years composing. It’s not an especially suspenseful moment — pretty much anyone who has cooked an omelet knows what the book is called — but it gives Ms. Ephron and the audience a chance to savor the precise nature of Julia Child’s achievement.
  The book is “Mastering the Art of French Cooking” — not “How To” or “Made Easy” or “For Dummies,” but “Mastering the Art.” In other words, cooking that omelet is part of a demanding, exalted discipline not to be entered into frivolously or casually. But at the same time: You can do it. It is a matter of technique, of skill, of practice.
  The impact of that first volume of “Mastering the Art,” and of Child’s subsequent television career (which is mostly tangential to the movie’s concerns), is hard to overstate. The book stands with a few other postwar touchstones — including Dr. Benjamin Spock’s “Baby and Child Care,” the Kinsey Report and Dr. Seuss’s “Cat in the Hat” — as a publication that fundamentally altered the way a basic human activity was perceived and pursued.
[. . .]
  Most strikingly, this is a Hollywood movie about women that is not about the desperate pursuit of men. Marriage is certainly the context both of Julia’s story and of Julie’s (about whom more in a moment), but it is not the point. The point [. . .] is the joy of cooking. (The New York Times, 7 August, 2009)